「決定 」的英文怎麼說?
「決定 」的英文怎麼說?
1. decide決定
I decided to study aboard.
2. decision決定(名詞)
a. (adjective)+decision 形容詞+決定
This is a sudden decision for me.
b. a decision about something 為一件事情做決定
My parents want to make a decision about my future!
c. a decision to do something 為做一事做決定
I have made a decision to be an artist!
d. to make/take a decision 做決定
I have to make/take a decision today!
3. make up (one's) mind/decision 拿定主意
I have not made up my decision/mind on that matter yet.
4. determine主宰、決定
Your perception determines your success.

「決定 」 可以係動詞 都可以係名詞
我決定左 vs. 呢個係我既決定
Decide (Verb) vs. Decision (Noun)
I have decided to study abroad.
It is my decision.
When to use it
The noun “decision” is a nominalisation of the verb “decide”. It is shorter and – as you can see – often clearer, to simply use the verb. “Decide on” is also a phrasal verb. It means “to choose something or someone after careful thought”.
“Decide” is an action verb. “Decision” is a noun. “I will decide” or “I will make a decision” have the same meaning. “I must decide what I want to do.” “I must make a decision about what I want to do.”
I've decided.
I've made up my mind.
我想好了!沒想到made up都可以這樣用吧!對,把我的思緒整理好了!就是我想好了,我做決定了!
I'm determined.
最近上映的Everything Everywhere All At Once (台譯:媽的多重宇宙)借用了多重宇宙(multiverse)的概念,向我們說了人生中不同選擇所帶給你的可能性,而我在此也不劇透(No spoilers!!)。每一個決定讓我們成為當下的自己。
每一天,每個小時,乃至每一秒,我們都在做選擇。一堆選項(Options/Choices/Selection)放在面前,總教人感到頭疼。可是選擇,又不一定等於決定。每一個經過深思熟慮(meditate)或者一時衝動(out of impulse)的選擇,成為你決定執行的。
從一堆東西選擇,我們可以用Select, Pick或者Choose。Pick和Choose又有一點不同,當只有兩個選項的時候,我們會用choose;但要從一大堆物件/人中選擇,我們會用Pick。Select則在其中精挑細選找到最合適的一個。三個字看似意思相近,但是有些許不同!
Decide 和Determine又較正式一點,而Determine更是有決定事情走向的意思,是經過謹慎思考的。要別人快點下決定的時候,你也可以說“make up your mind”。
Kate determines to write novels to earn a living. She knows it is a hard decision but she has thought about it carefully.
Please choose the most suitable word to depict your girlfriend’s personality. Just a kind reminder. She is standing right behind you and she looks furious.
The internal deadline of the inter-school sing contest is approaching and you still haven’t figured out which song to sing. Make up your mind!
We decide to go to the theatre.
determine: 表示決定/下定決心做某事
I determined that one day I will be a wonderful English teacher.
He resolved that he will be an actor.