「衣櫃 」的英文怎麼說?
Closet & wardrobe,有咩分別?
如果你有睇過Modern Family嘅話,你會記得有個伯伯叫Jay Pritchett,佢就係賣衣櫃維生,而公司名就係Closet, Closet, Closet, Closet。Closet 就係衣櫃咁解啦~ 個名好直接同你講係賣衣櫃嘅1 而衣櫃亦都引伸喺LGBTQ+群體入面嘅用語。我地聽到「深櫃」(即係唔敢出櫃嘅同性戀者)亦都同英文有關,就係 in the closet,咁相反,出櫃就係 come out of the closet。
英式英文就同美式有啲唔同,就係用Wardrobe呢個字。Clive Staples Lewis寫過一本小說叫 Lion With and Wardrobe 就正正係主角行入衣櫃去到唔同地方探險啦。對呢個小說有興趣嘅朋友不妨去睇下!
劇場入面嘅服裝部都係叫做wardobe management~
My friend Jocelyn, whose father is a millionaire, has a walk-in closet in her apartment.
My best friend James has decided to come out of the closet and he has my full support.
Closet = 美式
Wardrobe = 英式

「衣櫃 」的英文Closet 定 Wardrobe?
Closet 或 Wardrobe
各種櫃子 英文 | 中文 | 特色 | 例句 |
closet |
| She stored a lot of clothes in her closet. |
wardrobe |
| Hang my coat in the wardrobe, please. |