Learning Korean changed my life!

learning a language can sometimes be a terrifying experience. It can become overwhelming and at times it will make you think if you should give up.

you see, this is because language learning is so much more than just memorizing formulas or words, it is to learn a complete new way of socializing and at times even thinking!

when I met my current teacher, (Teacher Sora) I was in the worst state of learning Korean. I had left my old teacher, and I was trying to teach myself, and oh God it was scary...

there were so many grammars, so many words, so many expressions that I could not understand! and I was thinking maybe I am not cut out for this.

and then, I booked my first trial lesson.

it has been a while now, and I've had a good number of classes. yes, surely I am not fluent and I am not even slightly near being like a native, but during my classes, during all that time that I was guided and cared for through my learning, I somehow not only learnt a language but also learnt so much about myself.

I have come a long way, and I even have a longer way to go. I am sure you do too :) But believe in yourself, being able to speak a language is so much more than just a skill or a trait, it is a craft, a practice and even a form of art. Don't give up now, don't think of giving up later. one day you will thank yourself for it. ❤


韓文不好不是你的錯, 你只是沒遇見我
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韓文不好不是你的錯, 你只是沒遇見我
🔥超優惠!🔥AT新老師特惠😆 SORA的課 ✅學習韓語似乎似乎不可能嗎? ! 其實...這不是你的問題!!來來來我來幫你! ✅學韓語並不是那麼困難! ✅用最簡單,最易懂的方式幫助您 ✅精通英文以及西班牙文。 ✅擁有韓文以及西班牙文教學證照。 ✅在語言學校多年的教學經驗。 ✅旅居多國,也有很多趣事和你分享唷 我在西班牙生活了十多年🇪🇸 來!

1 則留言

  • I really enjoyed your Korean study story. I hope you can communicate with more people and enjoy it by studying Korean. Because there are so many good people in Korea! I hope we can meet again if we are meant to be. Actually, I am teaching Korean, too. If you have any questions about Korean culture or travel food, please feel free to ask! I'll be waiting