Having no societal experience upon livelihoods towards the reality or epitome modifications . Having no planning on tourism unto any places ,2 / So why zoom to take practise on more concentrated mindset . I have some vehicle sickness like riding on a car but have no sicks on sailing ships and both trips on the planes . Thinking that closing the door to countertaking participation into several to a certainty amounts of people socialising were not as bad as theory , at least I enjoy that kinds of remote distance to redeem tranquillity and as well an unvisible politeness . Everyones time is finite to be . Gotta be true to times . For which is not for sales . Always remembering the hard and cussed feeling upon regrets on any yesterday did really alternate out a stress resistance rate to portion and partifying my time to making more useful and happier . Though not of enough perfect like youths forever to having physical fitness to face every counterrewards to be malperformed by some erroneosity making faults . At least to trying my best to treasure what i have did always a panacea or antidotes engifted .


2 則留言
- 感激導師課前試改\批改交流。短短三課已經明白分析人工要害和記憶法門。單讀書瀏覽是不足以應付層面學習的,同時也喚醒了線下大大小小的誤區,跟著她訂製的藍本就能夠學以致用。明白到有時候不是思維錯誤而是練習方向和合適與否。一千萬個道理內容只是伊始,需要活學活用,致能夠刻意整理自然的紊亂,是難度化而不是困難化,實驗自己做過的想法證用,十分耐用的因為她沒有擺出高姿態的浮誇甚至遠離事實不著邊際,多謝민라쎔安排的心得課。
- 평가 감사드립니다~!