Learning Korean language is always one of my dreams since I met one of my best friend in the UK when we were studying years ago.
It brings me nearer to people I enjoy to get in touch with, but also gives me a whole new skills for my work, even though I am still a beginner now.
No mater because of my work or simply traveling, speaking the language that we are not used to speak for daily life is something deeply inspiring and satisfying! I finally decided to start to take lessons this year in February and fortunately I met teacher Jia for helping me start this new adventure. Even though it is very challenging to learn a new language while having long-hours working everyday, teacher Jia makes the lessons enjoyable for student and patiently remind and repeat the content we have learned before while teaching new topic, which is very helpful and thoughtful.
Teacher Jia is a very encouraging teacher to student, I would say is one of the caring and responsible teachers I have met in my life! Whenever we have questions, we always get the answers even though is not during the classes, and the free learning group is provided for us as well! Teacher Jia even gave students free lessons to encourage students when the students fulfill the goals that she has set for.
Can't wait to see what other beautiful things that Korean language will bring to my life!
Pursue my dream

🥇Jia 🇹🇼台灣居住 💛初級脫出專家 💙韓國護士 💜醫院韓語

8月有16位成員參加了我們的學習小組,並選出了2位獎學金得主。9月讓我哋一齊更加熱情地學韓語吧!🎉呢個聊天室會激發你學習韓語嘅動力,並提供同水平相近嘅朋友喺LINE上用韓語交流嘅機會。💬無論你嘅性別或國籍,我哋都歡迎你加入呢個學習小組,搵到同你實力相近嘅學習夥伴,一齊提升韓語水平。我而家住喺台灣,來往於韓國同台灣之間。作為一個充滿熱誠嘅老師,我致力於幫助學生提升佢哋嘅韓語能力。如果你對學習韓語有興趣,歡迎你加入我嘅課程,開始一段新嘅旅程!🚀😎 我相信你會喺呢度搵到屬於自己嘅成就同快樂。
1 則留言
- Thank you so much for your kind and heartfelt review!!
It brings me great joy to hear about your positive experiences in our lessons. Learning a new language is indeed challenging, especially with a busy schedule, but your dedication and enthusiasm are truly inspiring.
I’m glad to know that you find my lessons enjoyable and my teaching methods helpful. Your progress and commitment motivate me to continue providing the best support I can. It’s wonderful to see how learning Korean is opening new doors for you both personally and professionally^^
Seeing students like you achieve their goals and develop a love for the language is incredibly rewarding.
Thank you again for your kind words!!