Preparing for the TOEFL Exam

After taking Teacher Hannah's class, I became more familiar with the answering skills required for the TOEFL exam. As this was my first time signing up for the test, I was initially quite confused about the question types and answer strategies. Prior to the first class, Hannah sent me many videos related to different question types and answer strategies for the exam, which helped me build a basic understanding of how the exam would be conducted.

During the classes, Teacher Hannah guided me through the different question types across the four sections: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Moreover, she conducted numerous speaking practice sessions with me and provided valuable strategies for taking notes while listening to audio and answering questions. She also suggested many useful sentence patterns and structures to help me answer questions more effectively. These practices, along with the teacher's practical suggestions, contributed to my achieving a score of 22 on my first TOEFL speaking section.

Additionally, Teacher Hannah assigned homework after each class to help me continue practicing. For writing practices, she reviewed each of my sentences one by one, analyzing my writing structure and guiding me to review sentence usage.

Finally, I am grateful for Teacher Hannah's guidance in preparing for my first TOEFL exam. I will keep improving and strive to get higher scores next time!


您好,您是否正在为英语听、说、写或读而苦恼? 或者你想在托福考试中取得高分以备大学录取之用?我在这里!我的大多数学生托福成绩超过 100 🥇帮助您在限定时间内完成写作,并指导您如何用更高级的单词扩展您的文章 🥇至于英语口语,我会分享你可以用来提高分数的英语习语或短语 💁TOEFL & DUOLINGO 认证教师指导大量国际学生并完成超过 1000 节课程,包括 AT 课程 ✅已在Fiverr网站担任英语写作导师3年 ✅已在俄罗斯一所学校远程担任雅思/托福辅导老师 1 年
