너무 좋은 선생님♡

I got to know Patrola through my friend's introduction. I think she's much prettier in person than in the picture She has a pretty heart and talks as pretty as her pretty face! I was nervous and awkward at first in the English video class that my child heard for the first time, but he always complimented me with a bright voice that made me feel like a kindergarten teacher. I think he always makes people happy with a smile! This is probably the best feeling for a student in class, right? I can feel that you don't spare a lot of compliments and adore the child so that he can be confident^^ There are times when you have classes like solving study papers, and please have a lot of conversations with appropriate topics They give me homework once in a while, but I feel that my child's English has improved a little over a month! The child is waiting for Patrola's class I guess it's easier to talk because you make me feel comfortable~ It feels like a kind Korean kindergarten teacher. LOL They even control the class at a proper pace, and it's so good♡


🍂 英文🍂會話
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🍂 英文🍂會話
🍂 我喺英國生活咗18 +年 💃 我好友好,健談和善解人意。 🍂 我知道學習一門新語言嘅挑戰 意味住我能理解你的掙扎。 🍄 超級興奮地幫助他人實現他們的目標 🍂 英國口音

1 則留言

  • Thank you so much for your kind words, it has touched my heart so much. I thoroughly enjoy teaching him, he is such a fantastic student:)