
我在航空業待了八年我也試過很多方法如上救國團,TutorABC wordup,Voicetube,總是讓我覺得怎麼學都學不起來本來想說自己沒有學英文的才能想放棄了,在網路上看到AmazingTalker的EKO老師想說再給自己一次機會好好認真的上課希望能讓自己的TOEIC成績突破400分!
After graduating from high school, I entered the society and never felt that English is particularly important, nor did I feel that I would need to use English. When I think back to my parents, I started tutoring English when I was in elementary school, but since I was a child, I failed in English in high school. When I was in the army, I was killed by a teacher. After experiencing this setback, I didn’t feel that English is very important. After serving in the army, I saw the recruitment of airline companies in Chiayi, and then I felt that English is very important. It was the first time in my life that I went abroad with my family and I received the year-end in the first year of the aviation industry. I felt that I had to be filial to my parents, so I used the year-end of the first year as travel expenses for my parents and myself. When I couldn’t communicate well with Koreans, I felt that my English was so bad, so I made up my mind to learn English well.


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✨✨ 學生多益三月成果分享: 675➔800、720➔845、740➔845 ✨✨學生回饋分享: 🌸TING(12堂720➔830): 能在短短一個半月就達到標準,也是我沒有想過的🥳老師不愧有超級多年的豐富教學經驗😆😆真的進步很多,好幾年沒正式考了! 🌸Kai Chang(3堂660➔810): 老師的團課讓我感覺受用很多,跟著老師的技巧答題,思維有改變,分數就有起來了,感謝老師! 🌸Esther(20堂595➔795): Amber用量化易懂的方式讓我知道自己不擅長的地方在哪,陪著我一步步走過
