
專教老師的老師🍰會話名師Candice👸10堂飛行課(1對1) 輕鬆開口說👸




老師1對1又又又...大爆滿😱😱😱 客滿時給學生的建議: 建議優先考慮自己喜歡的團班🤩 想進修的老師 建議付費來英文班當助教或是單堂團班提升認知 一堂團班一堂1對1的配置 省錢又有效率👍👍👍 請給老師1-3個月 拯救一下有疑難雜症的學生😅 這幾個月 1對1比較難排課 可以先往後排課 感謝大家的耐心🙏🙏🙏 💖1對1飛行課程💖 🥇成人1對1專業10堂模擬飛行課 輕鬆聽得懂 🥇成人1對1專業10堂實戰飛行課 輕鬆開口說 🥇老師1對1一次只專心照顧15個飛行員 目前已收滿15人 (畢業標準:到達能與外國人溝通) 有人畢業才收新生 🥇如果可以接受下個月上課 歡迎利用學生出差或出國旅行的空堂 來體驗一堂給大人的專業課程 🥇適合的方法省時又省力👸祝大家英文早日輕鬆自在🤴 曾住紐約與加拿大又有心理師背景 💖經驗豐富的專業老師在找這樣的學生💖(以下是1對1課程) 🥇1. 有一點英文基礎 🥇2. 遇到外國人時不知如何開口 🥇3. 希望在工作上能更有發展 或是能自助旅行更愉快 讓老師一步一步的帶領你 一起輕鬆 愉快 扎實的學習英文吧 有興趣來一堂體驗課嗎?😊 成功是因為聰明而合適的學習 把你的時間與努力投資在對的方向吧 不只教你學英文 我要教你把英文用出來 一步一步依照學生程度制定課程 並帶領你進入與外國人一對一對話的世界 💖老師專業的1對1課程你可以期待:💖 🥇1.聽的能力,對語感的習慣與字彙的增加。 (教你不背單字 但增加字庫的秘訣) 🥇2.發音技巧,純正美式發音,讓你說好聽的英文。 (擺脫台式發音/不需背音標 見字即唸) 🥇3.在工作上能聽又能表達,能與外國同事與客戶溝通。 🥇4.在旅遊時,有能力自由行而有更深度的旅遊,即使跟團也能更自在愉快。 🥇5.運用心理學自然地增加你開口的信心與機會。 🥇6.陪伴你達到你的學習目標,歡迎長期和短期學生。 🥇7.以我住過紐約的經驗,塑造專屬於你的美語環境,讓美語自然的融入你的生活。 💎鑽石級課程💎(價格不同*一堂100美金 請至投資頁面購買) 以下三個屬於特殊專業課程,需要先和老師私訊預定哦😊 💎找到無可取代的專攻領域+市場價格專業速成班💎10堂 🎯協助你分析平台找到最適合的專攻領域 🎯一步一步陪你完成介紹頁面 短介紹 影片 🎯頁面完成后 老師會和你一起找到最適合你且合理的市場價格 (也歡迎上過課程的老師 每年預定好1~2堂健檢自己目前的價格與教學 維持最領先的教材+最優質的教學能力) 💎教學內容與技巧實戰班💎20堂 🎯老師來Amazing Talker平台5年 4000多名老師中一直保持領先地位 🎯解析10堂飛行課的內容+設計+原理+授課方式 🎯此課老師將會傳授所有的教學秘訣和方法 💎有關學生的疑難💎5堂 🎯幫完全沒有經驗的老師起步 🎯幫遇到教學瓶頸的老師破解 🎯教你釐清你要的生活 並陪伴過上充實又從容的生活 歡迎預約一堂體驗課來談談你想成為哪樣的老師+你的夢想人生😊  短的版本是…開始學習才是進步的關鍵。建議直接來上我的體驗課,你就會知道最適合你學習的策略與如何應用資源更快達到目標,省時有效適合你才是真的CP值,至於喜歡長版本的學生enjoy…  你是否因為不敢開口說美語,而失去了更好的工作機會或自在的旅遊經歷?想像一下,流利的英語將如何改變你的生活!是什麼阻止你投資自己和你的未來? 如果你準備好跟一個經驗豐富的雙語導師學習,我將設計一個你的學習計劃,給你能面對的挑戰與需要協助,以達到你的個人學習目標。你將感受到明顯的英語對話能力進步,並能更自然、更自信地說英語以獲得競爭優勢。 語言能力是拓展世界的鑰匙,以前在學校學習的方法,主要針對紙筆的考試。如果你是要考試的學生,這上面有很多適合的老師,如果你想要能開口說英語,那要用另一種方式,而且要是適合你的方式與進度。 學生人數到達一定的程度,我將不再接受新生,以保障學生排課的權益。把握這個機會,投資你的未來吧!這將是一種完全不同的轉變,我期待幫你實現英語和人生目標! 還想知道我更多事呀? 我以前很討厭英文,念書的時候一直逃避。直到大學畢業才驚覺英文能力會影響我工作的選擇,所以下定決心開始學習英文。第一次下定決心要學,但是我失敗了,我不知道原因,但就是無法開口,遇到外國人腦中就一片空白。很多次我想逃避,然後當又有新的機會出現,我卻因為英文不好而必須放棄,我又會開始學習,跌跌撞撞進步很慢…卻一直夢想著能流利地說英語和到世界各地去旅行… 工作了兩年,總覺得日子一成不變,每天就是忙忙忙,沒有好沒有壞沒有進步,這兩年唯一的新鮮事就是巴黎的旅行,這讓我有在國外生活的夢想,我想多看看世界… 但現實是我在存錢準備結婚,走在每個人必經的路上…不知是幸運還是不幸,突然的分手給了我勇氣去實現我的夢想,我訂了一個語言學校,然後買了單程機票飛去了紐約,完全不同的世界,不同的生活,每天的新奇又有趣,交往著世界各地來的朋友,吃著從世界各地匯集來的美食,然後在自然的環境中,我找到了學習開口的方法… 半年後我回到台灣,果然英文能力讓工作的選擇變廣了,於是我選了一個喜歡的工作,工作了一年,再加上英語家教很快存夠錢,我去報考心理研究所。雖然大家都說放棄待遇那麼好的工作很傻,但我覺得不追求自己的夢想與自己想要的生活才傻,我很拼命的念了三個月的書,比聯考還熱血,因為這次是我要的。然後我考上了理想中的心理研所,度過了愉快的兩年研究所生活… 之後陪先生去加拿大攻讀博士學位,住在法語區附近,學了一點法語,交了一些法國朋友。甚至還教外國人中文,語言讓我能輕鬆的交朋友,讓我有不一樣的眼界與想法。 回國後先生在大學教書,我有了新的身分,當了媽咪,我喜歡跟孩子講英文,我幫他們塑造自然的英文環境,也持續地在做一對一家教,引導學生開口說英文/中文,語言家教讓我能有很多時間可以陪伴孩子成長,當我看到學生能流利地跟外國人用英語對談時也很有成就感。 我選擇當一對一的英語家教,是因為它能夠比傳統的課堂環境,更快更有效地幫助學生實現目標。通過我的心理學諮商背景與在國外居住的經驗,我能幫助學生突破盲點,以實際的成功經驗建立信心。 我下一個夢想是創一個老師學校,會講美語不一定會教美語,就像會開車不一定會教人如何開車。有時候對老師而言,學習如何教跟學習美語是一樣重要的,可惜都沒地方學,所以很多老師越教越茫然... 再來,騎摩托車、開小客車與大卡車的技巧是不同的,教初學者、中高級、成人與孩子的技巧也是不同的,可惜很多老師都搞混這些技巧而浪費了學生與自己寶貴的時間... 當你會開車,開車是一件愉快的事,當你知道怎麼當老師,這世界上不只多一個優秀的老師,還會多許多優秀、開心、能成就自己的學生。 其他關於我? 平時我愛畫油畫、旅遊而且我很愛美食,無論是吃或煮都很在行。我認為藝術與美食都像一種新的語言,可以用來與朋友交流,豐富生活,享受不同的樂趣。 我還喜歡動物、看書、影集、當志工、露營、桌遊、唱歌、看電影…這幾年去了威尼斯、西班牙、巴黎,前幾年去了紐約、荷蘭、南法、土耳其、加拿大、東京、香港、北海道、普吉島、沖繩、上海、英國……住過冰塊和雪打造的旅館,也滑過世界上最長的天然滑冰道……如果你很喜歡旅行,我想我們會聊得很開心的 ^^ 期待與你一起展開新的旅程… 我十年來輔導了上百個學生開口說英文與財務自由 一堂課我就可以給你需要的建議 我的目標是學生從我這裡羽翼漸豐 展翅高飛 能愉快地與外國人對談 一杯星巴克的時間與消費 讓你省下許多學英文的辛苦與瓶頸 我會問清楚你想投資的時間金錢與目標 然後給你最有效的建議 至於建議後的決定 就留給你試課以後 看你喜不喜歡囉^^ (以下是想學中文的學生的版本)If you want to learn Chinese… You are my ideal student if... 1. You knew a little bit Chinese 2. You were not good at conversation. 3. You wanted to pronounce beautifully like a native speaker. Success is a result of smart and appropriate learning. Put your time and effort in the right direction. Take 24 lessons with me and you will be able to speak Chinese with foreigners! ^^ This is what you can expect: • Improve your listening skills • Pronunciation skills, learn to speak Chinese well. • Communicate with Chinese colleagues and clients at work. • Increase your confidence and opportunities to speak. • I will accompany you as you achieve your learning goals. I welcome both long-term and short- term students. • I will teach you how to enjoy a Chinese song and learn about culture. If you do want to learn Chinese, just book my trial ($35) and you will experience how I can help. If you would like a longer version, please enjoy... Are you missing out on a better job opportunity or a fun travel experience because you cannot speak Chinese? Imagine how a high level of Chinese fluency would change your life! What is stopping you from investing in yourself and your future? If you are ready to reap the benefits of an experienced, professional native-speaking tutor, I will design a customized learning plan to meet your personal learning goals, and keep you motivated and excited to learn Chinese. You will experience a noticeable acceleration in your Chinese skills and gain a competitive edge by speaking more naturally and with increased confidence. Language ability is the key to expanding your world. I used to study in school, mainly for the written, academic examinations. If you are a student who wants to take an exam, there are a lot of suitable teachers for that. If you want to speak English, you have to use another method, and if it suits you, you will feel different... ^^ I am currently accepting a limited number of new students, to protect the rights of current students to arrange classes. Don't miss this opportunity to invest in your future! I am confident that together we can achieve the results you want with your Chinese. I’m looking forward to helping you reach your Chinese language and life goals! Oh! You want to know more about me! I used to hate English, and I always ran away when I was studying. When I graduated from college, I was shocked that English ability would affect my choice of work so much. I was determined to start learning English. But I failed. I don’t know why, but I just couldn’t open my mouth. When I met foreigners, my mind went blank. Many times I wanted to escape, and then, when there were new opportunities, I had to give up because my English was not good. I would start learning again, only to stumble and progress very slowly... but I always dream of being fluent in English and going all over the world. Travel… After working for two years, I always felt that the days were the same. Every day was busy. There was no good, no bad, no progress. The only new thing was a trip to Paris. This trip made me dream of living abroad. I wanted to see more. See the world… But, the reality is that I was saving money to get married, walking on the road that everyone must take... Then, by a stroke of luck or fate, a sudden breakup gave me the courage to make my dream come true! I booked a language school and bought a one-way ticket. I flew to New York, a completely different world, a different life, full of novelty and fun every day, chatting with friends from all over the world, eating food from every corner of the globe.In this natural environment, I finally found a way to learn the language. After half a year, I returned to Taiwan. For sure, my English skills expanded my choices of work. So, I chose my favorite job. After working for a year and earning an English tutor's salary, I had enough money. I pursued another dream of mine. I went to a psychological research institute. Although everyone said that giving up a good salary is so stupid, I felt that it is stupid not to pursue my dreams and the life I want. I was very desperate to study for 3 months, I studied very hard and was happy because that was what I wanted. Then, I was admitted to the Soochow Institute of Psychology and spent a pleasant two years dedicating my life to research... After that, I went to Canada with my husband who was studying his doctoral degree. We lived near the French-speaking area, learned a little French, and make some French friends. I even taught foreigners Chinese, the language allowed me to have fun easily. When we came back to Taiwan, my husband taught at the university and I gained a new identity as a mom. I like to speak English with my children and give them the environment. I also continue to teach students to speak Chinese. Being a tutor lets me have a lot of time to spend with my children, and I feel very fulfilled when I see my students talking to foreigners in Chinese/English fluently. I chose to be a one-on-one Chinese/English tutor because it helps students achieve their goals faster and more effectively than the traditional classroom environment. Through my psychological counseling background and experience living abroad, I can help students break through blind spots and build confidence with practical success. My new dream is to create a parenting school. People need a driver's license to drive. Otherwise, it will be dangerous because they could hit people. So, why not receive instruction about parenting? No one buys a car and drives on the road without learning. But, why do people become parents without learning about it beforehand? The skills of riding a motorcycle, driving a car and a big truck is different, and parenting a baby, a child and even an adult are different. When you can drive well, driving is a pleasant activity. When you know how to be a parent, there will be one happier child in the world and one happier father or mother. In my free time, I love to paint, travel and eat or cook food. I think art and food are a kind of language that can be used to communicate with friends, enrich life and enjoy different types of fun. Would you like to know more about me? I love animals, reading books, watching movies, volunteering, camping, board games, Wii, X-box, singing, making friends... In the past few years, I have been to Venice, Spain, and Paris. I have been to New York, the Netherlands, South France, Turkey, Canada, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Hokkaido, Phuket, Okinawa, Shanghai, and the United Kingdom. I have lived in an ice hotel in Quebec. And also skated through the world's longest natural skating rink... If you like to travel, I think we will have a good time. I look forward to working with you! Candice I have coached hundreds of students over the past ten years to speak Chinese/English. I can give you the advice you need in your 1st class. My goal is that students can fly high and enjoy a new language. A cup of Starbucks time and consumption will save you a lot of hard work and bottlenecks in learning Chinese. I will ask you how much you want to invest financially and what your personal goals are. Then, I will give you the most effective advice. Regarding the decision after the proposal, I will leave it up to you after the trial. It’s up to you whether you like it or not. 😅😅😅不好意思老師的課表 大部分都被預約滿了 (*往後看三周才準 *灰色是有學生預約的 *綠的是還空的) 但 *只*要*你*能*排*上* 保證英文永遠不會再是你的困擾 會是你旅遊與工作的一大助力😎 🧐🧐🧐!!!注意選老師的訣竅!!! 課堂數多只能表示教的多 評語數多才表示教得好喔👍👍👍 🥇面對>挑戰>突破>擁有屬於自己的生活🥇 想要及早達成目標的你 請按下預約體驗 課堂上見囉😊


約為正式課的 6 折 🔥 優惠名額有限!
團班學生評語: 明明沒背單字!看得懂的字一直增加!明明沒背文法!能表達的句型也越來越多了!老師你真的太厲害👍🏻!您是我遇過最厲害的老師👩‍🏫!我衷心地佩服🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️ ---畢業生評語 (旅行小貓)👸👸👸 追劇課程經過老師7堂課的調教,我已試著陪孩子看影片時是不開字幕的囉~這2天看完二部了,是沒字幕看完喔~很暗爽自己的成長,我大概可以知道8成在演什麼呢!我知道我的英文成長之路,一直抓著Candice老師不放準沒錯。---團體班學生的評語(Ginger)🍀🍀🍀 這是我學英文最好的經驗 我曾試過很多方法 每次都半途而廢 直到遇到Candice老師 她的課程輕鬆又好玩 每個月都會幫我調整我需要的進度 放心地跟著老師每個月都有明顯的進步 讓我工作上多了不少機會 也讓我講英文更自信!! 謝謝老師---畢業生評語 (安東尼)🤴🤴🤴 🌿長期 6人 精緻小班 🌿大家一起學習 更有樂趣 🌿自然養成規律接觸英文的興趣 一起創造出屬於自己的英文環境吧 🌋🕌🏰🛕🚢 🧐有標註程度的 請依程度報名 🧐沒有標註程度的課程 初級或中級的學生 都可報名(高級請勿報名) 名額有限 建議先搶先贏 🧐不確定自己適合團班? 歡迎預約體驗課,由老師來推薦適合你課程👉👉👉


超過 5 堂課以上有額外的優惠,可在下方看到價格或是購物車選擇!



6607 筆英文課程評價

  • 珍惜最後的倒數時刻~ 今天學習表達ViewPoint,很同意清晰表達在外商是很重要的,每個人都允許表達自己的想法,只要有清楚的why。學習簡潔、漂亮的表達見解。喜歡T今天的表達:很清楚簡單又有見地!😍
顯示全部 6607 則評價

59 篇英文學習故事

13 個喜歡
13 個留言
5 個喜歡
2 個留言
85 個喜歡
10 個留言
顯示全部 59 筆學習故事




  • 2004 - 2009 英文家教
  • 2013 - 2017 中英文家教
  • 2018 - 2019 中英文家教


  • 2005 - 2008 Soochow University Psychology

  • 2004 - 2009 英文家教
  • 2013 - 2017 中英文家教
  • 2018 - 2019 中英文家教
  • 2005 - 2008

    Soochow University




  • 購買課程後,可預約導師行事曆上開放的時間
  • 如導師顯示『可即時授課』,可預約導師 24 小時內的時間
  • 如導師不在線上,最快可預約 24 小時之後的課程


  • 正式課程購買超過 5 堂有額外折扣(視導師開課價格而定)
  • 正式課程課時約為 50 分鐘
  • 正式課程購買超過 5 堂有額外折扣(視老師開課價額而定)


  • 開課前 10 分鐘登入網站首頁,會看到已預約堂課,點選準備上課的課堂,按『進入教室』,即可開啟 ZOOM 教室開始上課
  • 手機、電腦皆可使用 ZOOM 上課(手機請先下載 ZOOM 應用程式)


  • 當課程發生問題可選擇『回報問題』,導師可選擇重新預約或是退AT幣
  • 如導師超過12小時未給予回覆,系統將自動退AT幣給您
  • 購買課程後,可預約導師行事曆上開放的時間
  • 如導師顯示『可即時授課』,可預約導師 24 小時內的時間
  • 如導師不在線上,最快可預約 24 小時之後的課程
  • 正式課程購買超過 5 堂有額外折扣(視導師開課價格而定)
  • 正式課程課時約為 50 分鐘
  • 正式課程購買超過 5 堂有額外折扣(視老師開課價額而定)
  • 開課前 10 分鐘登入網站首頁,會看到已預約堂課,點選準備上課的課堂,按『進入教室』,即可開啟 ZOOM 教室開始上課
  • 手機、電腦皆可使用 ZOOM 上課(手機請先下載 ZOOM 應用程式)
  • 當課程發生問題可選擇『回報問題』,導師可選擇重新預約或是退AT幣
  • 如導師超過12小時未給予回覆,系統將自動退AT幣給您


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