
💂‍♀Expert ESL Teacher: IELTS Success, Pronunciation Focus, ➡️ Group Lessons💂‍♀

🎈IELTS🎈Conversational English🎈



👨‍🎓Are you looking for an English teacher born and raised in the UK?👨‍🎓 👨‍🎓Imagine the authenticity and fluency you'll gain from learning with a native speaker, wouldn't that be beneficial?👨‍🎓 👨‍🎓 The Callan Method is renowned for its efficiency in achieving fluency, isn't that appealing?👨‍🎓 💂‍♀💂‍♀💂‍♀⬇️⬇️⬇️CONTINUE READING TO FIND OUT MORE⬇️⬇️⬇️💂‍♀💂‍♀💂‍♀ 👨‍🎓With 14 years of teaching experience, you'll be guided by a seasoned professional, won't you? 📖 Interested in mastering English quickly and effectively? The Callan Method is renowned for its efficiency in achieving fluency, isn't it appealing? 💭 Open to enhancing your learning with the power of hypnotherapy? Visualize yourself effortlessly absorbing English concepts, improving retention, and staying motivated; doesn't that sound incredible? 📈 Ready to see remarkable progress in your English language skills? Together, we'll work diligently to help you reach your language goals, won't we? Join our ESL lessons today and say "yes" to unleashing your full English language potential through the Callan Method and hypnotherapy enhancements. 👨‍🎓您是否正在寻找一位在英国出生和长大的英语老师? 👨‍🎓想象一下与母语人士一起学习将带给您的真实性和流利度,那不是很有益吗? 👨‍🎓Callan 方法以其实现流利度的高效性而闻名,这不是很吸引人吗? 👨‍🎓拥有14年的教学经验,您将受到一位经验丰富的专业人士的指导,不是吗? 📖有兴趣迅速有效地掌握英语吗? Callan 方法以其实现流利度的高效性而闻名,这不是很吸引人吗? 💭是否愿意借助催眠疗法的力量提高学习效果? 想象自己轻松吸收英语概念,提高记忆力并保持积极性;这不是听起来令人难以置信吗? 📈准备看到您的英语语言技能取得显著进步吗? 一起努力,帮助您实现语言目标,是不是? 立即加入我们的英语课程,对通过 Callan 方法和催眠疗法增强释放您的英语潜力说“是”。 "Unlock Fluent English with the Callan Method! 🚀 Are you looking to master English quickly and confidently? Look no further! As a dedicated Callan Method teacher, I'm here to supercharge your language journey. The Callan Method is not just any language learning approach; it's a proven, interactive, and accelerated way to learn English. Say goodbye to dull textbooks and hello to dynamic conversations right from the start. With my guidance, you'll engage in lively, question-and-answer sessions that enhance your speaking, listening, and comprehension skills simultaneously. Our systematic approach ensures no topic is left untouched, from vocabulary building to advanced discussions. Through guided repetition and real-time correction, you'll refine your pronunciation, gain an expansive vocabulary, and conquer tricky grammar rules effortlessly. The Callan Method's unique structure ensures that you're consistently challenged and engaged, paving the way for rapid progress. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps or an intermediate learner aiming for fluency, the Callan Method adapts to your level and pace. Get ready to confidently communicate in English across various situations – from casual chats to professional interactions. Choose the Callan Method for its fast results, interactivity, and solid foundation. Together, we'll make your journey to English fluency exciting and effective. Take the plunge and let's embark on this transformative language adventure today!" Stage 1: Listening and Pronunciation In this initial stage, students are exposed to the rhythm and sounds of the English language through active listening and pronunciation practice. As a Callan Method teacher, I will guide you in imitating the correct pronunciation, helping you build a solid foundation for effective communication. Stage 2: Questions and Answers Here, we dive into basic question and answer patterns. Through repetitive interaction, I will encourage you to respond quickly and accurately, improving your fluency and ability to think on your feet. This interactive approach ensures you become comfortable with English conversations. Stage 3: Vocabulary Building Expanding your vocabulary is crucial, and I'll assist you in learning new words and phrases related to everyday situations. By incorporating these words into our dynamic discussions, you'll be equipped to express yourself confidently in various real-life contexts. Stage 4: Revision of Vocabulary and Structures Regular revision is key to retaining what you've learned. We'll review and reinforce your vocabulary and sentence structures, ensuring your knowledge is solid and ready for practical use. Stage 5: Dictation In this stage, you'll develop your listening skills further by transcribing spoken sentences. This trains your ears to catch nuances and improves your overall language comprehension. As your Callan Method teacher, I'll provide dictation exercises that challenge and refine your auditory abilities. Stage 6: Reading and Writing Reading and writing exercises complement your speaking and listening skills. I'll guide you through reading passages, helping you understand context and meaning, while also aiding you in expressing your thoughts in written form accurately. Stage 7: Controlled Speaking Practice Practice makes perfect, and in this phase, we'll engage in controlled speaking exercises. By addressing a wide range of topics, you'll learn to articulate your ideas fluently and naturally, preparing you for real-life conversations. Stage 8: Grammar and Structures Understanding grammar is vital for effective communication. I'll break down complex grammar rules into digestible segments, helping you grasp the intricacies of English sentence structure. Stage 9: Functional Language Mastering functional language is essential for navigating various situations. I'll teach you phrases and expressions commonly used in social, work, and travel settings, ensuring you're ready to communicate confidently in diverse environments. Stage 10: Free Speaking Practice At this point, you'll engage in more spontaneous conversations. Through open discussions on a wide array of subjects, you'll enhance your ability to engage in natural, unscripted dialogue. Stage 11: Practice and Fluency Repetition and practice drive fluency. We'll engage in conversation drills that reinforce your skills, ensuring that your English flows smoothly and you can express yourself effortlessly. Stage 12: Conversation and Discussion In the final stage, we'll focus on advanced discussions and debates. You'll confidently express your opinions, analyze complex topics, and engage in in-depth conversations, demonstrating your mastery of the language. As a dedicated Callan Method teacher, my goal is to guide you through these 12 stages, fostering your language development and enabling you to communicate effectively in English across various contexts. The Callan Method's systematic and interactive approach ensures rapid progress and a strong foundation for lifelong language skills. As a firm believer in clear pronunciation, I emphasize its importance as the foundation of effective communication in any language. However, my lessons are anything but strict and rigid. They are designed to be light-hearted and relaxed, ensuring a pleasant and enjoyable learning environment. I understand that learning English can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if it's driven by business needs. That's why I strive to make my lessons both rewarding and entertaining. Say goodbye to cram schools and let's rediscover the joy of learning English together!


約為正式課的 6 折 🔥 優惠名額有限!
💂‍♀Expert ESL instruction with focus on IELTS preparation💂‍♀ 💂‍♀IELTS preparation with proven success in achieving target scores💂‍♀ 💂‍♀Affordable conversational classes covering diverse topics💂‍♀ 💂‍♀Specialization in group lessons for effective learning in a collaborative environment💂‍♀ 💂‍♀Direct teaching method tailored for both beginner and advanced learners💂‍♀ 💂‍♀Strong focus on pronunciation using the Callan method💂‍♀ Born in London, England, ensuring authentic English instruction


超過 5 堂課以上有額外的優惠,可在下方看到價格或是購物車選擇!


僅有 0% 的優質教師
在 AmazingTalker 受到大量學生喜愛,好評不斷的優質教師!
一對一課程結束後 1 年內可下載影片,學習效果更加倍!

1009 筆英文課程評價

  • Chiao-Ni Lai
    Jan 31, 2024
    老師真的很棒!在你需要調整你的咬字發音時,他適時的給你回饋和校正。引導學生多說話,讓我有很多機會可以練習口說,並且因為我的需要 所以他講話時會維持一定的原本native speaker說話的語速,這很棒!我本來就是需要練習聽平常外國人怎麼說英文的,並且給予我非常多的鼓勵,讓我覺得這麼長時間的努力學英文沒有白費。大力推荐如果對於發音咬字有需求的學生(我的課程是專注在口說的流暢度)!
  • 匿名
    Apr 20, 2024
    第一次用callan method 上課. 覺得這個方法很有趣, 可以讓學生在短時間有很多說話機會,且不同程度的同學都可以有相對應的學習素材。
顯示全部 1009 則評價




  • 2012 - 2016 Buddyschool


  • 2018 - 2021 Open University Social studies/ Law

  • 2012 - 2016 Buddyschool
  • 2018 - 2021

    Open University

    Social studies/ Law



  • 購買課程後,可預約導師行事曆上開放的時間
  • 如導師顯示『可即時授課』,可預約導師 24 小時內的時間
  • 如導師不在線上,最快可預約 24 小時之後的課程


  • 正式課程購買超過 5 堂有額外折扣(視導師開課價格而定)
  • 正式課程課時約為 50 分鐘
  • 正式課程購買超過 5 堂有額外折扣(視老師開課價額而定)


  • 開課前 10 分鐘登入網站首頁,會看到已預約堂課,點選準備上課的課堂,按『進入教室』,即可開啟 ZOOM 教室開始上課
  • 手機、電腦皆可使用 ZOOM 上課(手機請先下載 ZOOM 應用程式)


  • 當課程發生問題可選擇『回報問題』,導師可選擇重新預約或是退AT幣
  • 如導師超過12小時未給予回覆,系統將自動退AT幣給您
  • 購買課程後,可預約導師行事曆上開放的時間
  • 如導師顯示『可即時授課』,可預約導師 24 小時內的時間
  • 如導師不在線上,最快可預約 24 小時之後的課程
  • 正式課程購買超過 5 堂有額外折扣(視導師開課價格而定)
  • 正式課程課時約為 50 分鐘
  • 正式課程購買超過 5 堂有額外折扣(視老師開課價額而定)
  • 開課前 10 分鐘登入網站首頁,會看到已預約堂課,點選準備上課的課堂,按『進入教室』,即可開啟 ZOOM 教室開始上課
  • 手機、電腦皆可使用 ZOOM 上課(手機請先下載 ZOOM 應用程式)
  • 當課程發生問題可選擇『回報問題』,導師可選擇重新預約或是退AT幣
  • 如導師超過12小時未給予回覆,系統將自動退AT幣給您


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