I am Genia Ji. I’m 8 years old this year, l lived in HK for 7 years and I moved to Shanghai this year. I wrote this poem because I don’t like lock downs. Sometimes, I like fake lockdowns. We practiced it in school, but in the real lockdown, I feel lonely. It’s just a normal day, and then everybody went home. We don’t know why, but we know, it is the right thing to do. If we go outside of our building - there are invisible fences everywhere. The swings are lonely. The slides have no one to play with. Sometimes, at home we feel lonely, livid, blue or delighted and all these feelings are okay. We all patiently wait for that day, the day we can play with our friends and family, the day everything is normal again.😭 🫥


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🔻Why Tania? 🔻 ⭐澳洲雪梨大學/教育學碩士 ⭐擅長英語、俄羅斯語 ⭐30年教學經驗 ⭐多國教學經驗:🌍中國🌍澳洲🌍俄羅斯🌍越南,幫你打造國際觀 ⭐擅長以英文教授其他科目,專攻歷史 💖Tania老師有長達30年以上的英文教學經驗與豐富雅思授課經驗,並持有教育學專業文憑,專精於設計課程及提升學生四項技能,十分了解學生/考生常見問題以及針對問題對症下藥,善於打造沈浸式學習環境,輕鬆建立語感。絕不讓你越學越灰心💯Tania可以帶領你在英文學習路上,更有效率往自己的目標邁進! 🔻誰適合我的課程?🔻 🏅想說英文,卻總是吱吱嗚嗚 🏅始終找不到有組織的學習系統,花了不少冤望錢的你🤦‍♂️ 🏅想大膽和外國人聊天的你

4 則留言

  • Good job Genia! Keep up the good work!
  • I can tell your feeling and mood by the poem, really sorry for what you have been through and hope you can get back to a normal life soon. Stay positive and optimistic!
  • Sorry, I meant, you are a wonderful poet...
  • You are a wonderful peot. You expressed your sad mood so well.