瀏覽最多香港人選擇的私人英文老師 👨🏻🏫
- DSE English Paper 2 分數分佈
- DSE English Paper 2 Cut Off
- English Paper 2 常見文章格式
- English Paper 2 考試 Marking Rubric
- English Paper 2 時間分配
- English Paper 2 常見問題
DSE English Paper 2 分數分佈 📈
2021 分數分佈
2022 分數分佈
DSE English Paper 2 Cut Off 📊
Paper 2 Writing |
Grade |
2020 Mark/113(%) |
2019 /182 |
2018 /210 |
2017 /210 |
2016 210 |
2015 210 |
2014 206 |
2013 210 |
5** |
100 (89) |
160 (88) |
188 (90) |
187 (89) |
184 (88) |
186 (89) |
134 (65) |
189(90) |
5* |
97 (86) |
155 (85) |
178 (85) |
173 (82) |
177 (84) |
175 (83) |
127 (62) |
183(87) |
5 |
88 (78) |
140 (77) |
160 (76) |
160 (76) |
160 (76) |
161 (77) |
120 (58) |
161(77) |
4 |
77 (68) |
124 (68) |
140 (67) |
138 (66) |
143 (68) |
136 (65) |
111 (54) |
134(64) |
3 |
61 (54) |
109 (60) |
103 (49) |
107 (51) |
96 (46) |
119 (57) |
100 (49) |
103(49) |
2 |
52 (46) |
67 (37) |
82 (39) |
92 (44) |
260 (39) |
98(47) |
(數據來自DSE00)如果想睇埋英文科其他分卷Cut off,可見【DSE全科Cut Off】。
2021年嘅P2佔全科28%,Part A佔11.2%,Part B佔16.8%;而2022年P2將會回復正常 (佔全科25%,Part A佔10%,Part B佔15%)。咁係2小時嘅考試時間入面,究竟要注意啲咩先可以拎到~78% Lv. 5或以上?
English Paper 2 常見文章格式 📝
1. Argumentative Essay 議論文
其實議論文嘅格式算係彈性比較大嘅格式,例如Letter to the editor都可以係議論文嘅一種。但一般嚟講議論文都會要求考生比三個原因,而題目係會有清𥇦嘅指示話比考生知要寫三個原因,例如2014年Learning English Through Social Issues (“provide three reasons to support your point of view”),同埋2015年Learning English Through Debating (“justify your point of view with three reasons”)。
- Introduction
- Arguments × 3
- Counter Argument + Rebuttal
- Conclusion
Argument 論點
寫論點的時候緊記要符合自己的立場,如果你立場係支持 (Agree/ Affirmative),第一個論點就可以寫“Firstly/ To begin with/ First/ My first (and most important point) is + Topic Sentence”,然後輔以現實生活例子/ 數據 (如有),加以說明,豐富自己的論點。
寫完第一個論點就要開新段,用提示字眼 “Secondly / Second / Next / Furthermore”話比考官知你已經移到第二個論點,析述方法同第一論點一樣 (Topic sentence + Examples)。
Counter Argument 敵方論點
議論文最重要係論證全面,所以唔可以淨係講我方論點,要兼顧埋反方論點。由正方論點推展到反方嘅轉折句 (Transition) 可以考慮以下字眼:“However/ Nonetheless/ On the flip side”,話比考官知你要開始講反方論點。
Rebuttal 駁論
大家寫Counter Argument嘅時候要同時考慮到佢係唔係一個自己有信心「拗得贏」的論點,否則只會係寫Rebuttal嘅時候搞唔掂!想呢部份寫得出色,同學平時就要訓練多啲批判性思維 (Critical Thinking)啦~
2. Letter 書信
- 上款:Dear (name of recipient),
- Introduction (General greetings)
- Body Paragraphs
- Closing Paragraph
- 下款 (美式:靠左泊齊;英式:靠右,名入兩格)
書信主要分Formal同Informal Letter:
Formal Letter
- Letter to the Editor
- Letter to the Principal
參考題目:2014 English Paper 2 Q4 Learning English Through Social Issues (“writing a letter to the school Principal”)
- 不要用Abbreviation/ Short-form (e.g. I’m, you’re, we’re…)
- 上款有很多種寫法,如果知道對方全名就寫對方姓氏即可,例如 Dear Mr. Lau、Dear Miss Chan;如果不知道對方名字,可以統稱Dear Sir/ Madam
- 下款的寫法就要因應上款,如果知道對方全名就寫 Yours sincerely,不知道對方名字就寫 Yours faithfully (不過如果驚記錯,可以一律都寫Yours truly)
Informal Letter
- Letter of advice
參考題目:2018 English Paper 2 Q4 Learning English Through Social Issues (“writing a letter of advice”)
- 可以用Abbreviation/ Short-form (e.g. I’m, you’re, we’re…)
- 上款可以直呼其名 (e.g. Dear Mary、Dear John)
- 下款有很多種變化,例如Best wishes/ Love/ Best regards,意思上分別不大
3. Proposal 計劃書
- Title
- [Sub-heading + Body Paragraph] × 3
- Conclusion
*Sub-heading及Body Paragraph數量視乎你有幾多個points
*有時考卷會預先提供Sub-heading (尤其Part A),但一般情況考生需要自己劃分計劃書的分部。常見sub-headings/ 分部:
- Date, Time and Venue
- Activities
- Budget
- Person-In-Charge (PIC)
參考題目: 2016 English Paper 2 Q7 Learning English Through Popular Culture (“Write a proposal for the Festival…”)
4. Report 報告
報告最常見的題目是和社會議題 (Social Issues) 有關,考評局會要求考生就某項社會議題撰寫一項研究報告。
參考題目: 2017 English Paper 2 Q7 Learning English Through Social Issues (“Write a report to explain why the number of NEETS are rising…”)
- Tittle: Report on XXX/ XXX Report
- Introduction
- Background
- Reasons + Analysis
- Impacts (Positive/ Negative)
- Suggestions
- Conclusion
5. Speech 演講辭
會發表演講辭的場合有幾種:活動開幕禮 (Welcoming Speech) 、謝師宴 (Thank-you Speech or Farewell Speech) 及早會 (Assembly)。而考卷通常會要求考生代入身分,例如學生會主席、節目司儀、活動負責人等去寫演講辭,所以評分首要考量是考生對語境意識嘅拿捏。
考生在構思時務必搞清楚演講辭嘅Target Audience及Aim/ Purpose: 究竟係要呼籲全級同學參加某啲活動、定係向老師表達謝意、或者向出席活動的人士介紹某議題?所以喺內容上,演講辭嘅變化十分大,難以預測,好考同學嘅應變能力。
格式方面則記住一個原則:Keep it simple!沒有人會喜歡冗長乏味嘅演說,所以開場白唔洗太長,盡快入正題,然後喺結尾再表達一次謝意就得。
- Greetings: Good morning/ afternoon/ evening ladies and gentlemen/ fellow classmates/ schoolmates/ everyone,
- Introduction: Today I would like to… / Today I am very honoured to…
- Body Paragraphs
- Closing: That’s it for today/ That concludes my speech /That brings my speech near an end.
- Thank you/ thank you for your attention.
6. Article 文章
- Title
- Introduction
- Body Paragraphs
- Conclusion
參考題目: 2016 English Paper 2 Q3 Learning English Through Workplace Communication (“Write an article for your school magazine expressing your views. Give three reasons to support your views.”)
English Paper 2 考試 Marking Rubric ✅
DSE English Writing嘅Marking Rubric主要分:
1. Content
- 豐富全面
- 完全貼題
- 有Example/ 拓展
- Creative
- 能引起讀者興趣
2. Language
- Sentence Structures多變,語感極強
- Grammar極精準
- Vocabulary精煉
- Spelling準確
- 語境意識
3. Organization
- 邏輯
- 連貫性 (運用Conjunctions)
- 結構縝密
- 符合文體 (正確格式)
English Paper 2 時間分配 ⏱
DSE English Paper 2有兩個鐘時間去完成2篇文。建議時間分配:
Part A = 5mins Brainstorm + 30mins Writing + 5mins Proofread
Part B = 5mins Brainstorm + 70mins Writing + 5mins Proofread
‼️過咗40分鐘就算未做完Part A都要Move On去Part B,如果唔係就一定做唔切!另外亦都唔好貪方便就Skip左Brainstorm或者Proofread,因為呢兩個步驟超級關重要,絕對可以幫你減少Careless Mistakes同Logic Error!😠
English Paper 2 常見問題 💭
1. 要點樣提升Vocabulary/ Sentence Structures?
最理想方法一定係平時多啲睇英文書、英文電影、電視劇、聽英文歌同Podcast~不過如果無咁多時間就可以試下重溫係往年 DSE Paper 1 Reading出現過的 Vocab,話唔定第時用得著。當然,你亦可以選擇買「天書」、睇範文、背書。不過,你要留意你背完嘅Vocab/ Sentence Structures係咩Tone下先啱用,並唔係將所有野塞晒落篇文度就得!
2. 點樣可以令語境意識進步?
3. 字數係咪越多越好?
在Part A的寫作中,字數要求為200字。考試有時間限制,只要內容足夠,其實只需寫到300-350字已足夠奪星。而係Part B,字數要求為400字,不過就建議寫多少少(600-800 words),咁樣文章內容先夠完整。其實,喺Eng P2有「寫多錯多」的風險,考生寫得越多,出現錯誤的次數亦會按比例增加。所以,寫得多嘅同時,都要預留時間Propfread~
總括而言,英文卷二都唔係一味淨係靠背文就可以高分,而係要了解語境意識,選用啱用嘅Vocab同Sentence Structures,靠平日多睇英文去Build Up翻嚟!加油💪🏼
瀏覽最多香港人選擇的私人英文老師 👨🏻🏫