
990 個在 AmazingTalker 學約魯巴語的評價和心得


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2021/04/30 22:50
這應該是匿名唷 2

Ruth Blessing Bello Akọ́mọdé àti àgbà ni èdè yorùbá to dán mọ́rán

2024/06/25 03:11
I’m so excited to have classes with Ruth. Even at the start she was welcoming and helpful. She answered all my questions and made me feel comfortable. I can’t wait for my next sessions!

Ruth Blessing Bello Akọ́mọdé àti àgbà ni èdè yorùbá to dán mọ́rán

2024/05/01 02:10
Today was my first lesson with Ms. Ruth and I am loving it already! I felt very comfortable and I love her way of teaching. She was on time and I can tell that she enjoys teaching. Yoruba is a beautiful language and I’m excited to get the proper teaching and skills from Ms. Ruth! Definitely recommend

Ruth Blessing Bello Akọ́mọdé àti àgbà ni èdè yorùbá to dán mọ́rán

2024/04/06 23:51
Ruth makes learning a new language fun and exciting and she encourages me to have confidence in what I've learned with review sessions that only prove her right, because I've learned and retained it.

AYOMIPOSI AJAYI Olùkọ fún ìjìnlè ìmọ yòrùbá

2024/03/10 12:27
Ajayi is very helpful and makes lessons based on individuals knowledge of the language and learning preferences. He’s helped me improve my Yoruba vocabulary and develop my Yoruba to a conversational level.

AI 推薦老師

留下需求,30 秒內配對適合您的老師!

Damilola Badejo I am proficient in my language, extraord

2023/09/24 02:58
Damilola is a very good and patient teacher who explains things in an easy way to understand. It has only been 3 lessons and I'm confident that I will continue to grow in my ability with Damilola's help.

Damilola Badejo I am proficient in my language, extraord

2023/06/27 00:59
Lessons with Oluko Dami has now become like learning with a family member; she's so personable and relatable. She also does her best to ensure the classes are so relaxed and fun. You can tell she really believes in you and just wants to see you excel. I'll have to force my friends to come and learn with her; she's amazing!

AYOMIPOSI AJAYI Olùkọ fún ìjìnlè ìmọ yòrùbá

2023/06/15 14:17
I’ve had a good amount of lessons done. I can confidently say the lessons are well structured and thorough. He is extremely personable and good with examples to truly understand the placement and meaning of Yoruba words. Phenomenal teacher that will constantly challenge you. I’m very very happy I’m taking his class 😁😁

Ruth Blessing Bello Akọ́mọdé àti àgbà ni èdè yorùbá to dán mọ́rán

2023/05/03 07:14
I enjoyed this class! So far, I've only done a trial session, but I had a great time. My teacher Ms. Blessing was extremely patient and encouraging while I practiced my Yoruba with her. She had clear and easy-to-follow explanations for the sentences and vocabulary we discussed. She also gave me a list of tips to help with my proficiency. Overall, I am excited to continue with Ms. Blessing, and I definitely recommend her as a language teacher!

Ruth Blessing Bello Akọ́mọdé àti àgbà ni èdè yorùbá to dán mọ́rán

2023/03/10 04:02
I love working with Ruth she is an amazing teacher, I can’t wait for my next class my goals are to speak fluently before my visit to Nigeria in December &&.. I’m sure we can reach that the way she’s teaching

Makanjuola Stephen

2023/02/16 21:50
I had a trial lesson with Makanjuola which he made easy and fun, as promised. He provided slides for me to read along during the lesson and gave me opportunities to try myself whilst guiding me where I needed the help. I appreciated that he broke down the meaning of each word/phrase and explained them very clearly.

Makanjuola Stephen

2023/02/12 01:39
Had my first Yoruba class with Stephen he was very professional and made sure that I understood the lesson before moving on to the next. He made me feel comfortable and took his time with each explanation. Would definitely book him again.

Ruth Blessing Bello Akọ́mọdé àti àgbà ni èdè yorùbá to dán mọ́rán

2023/01/30 06:58
This is my 3rd lesson and I am already happy with my progress. Ruth makes special care to make sure my pronunciation is correct and is patient. The lessons are challenging yet fun and I look forward to continuing to work with her!

Ruth Blessing Bello Akọ́mọdé àti àgbà ni èdè yorùbá to dán mọ́rán

2023/01/23 20:30
Wow! Just had my first class and it was amazing. Ruth was able to teach me so much just in the short amount of time we talked. She made me more determined to learn my family's language and become more confident in my speaking.

AYOMIPOSI AJAYI Olùkọ fún ìjìnlè ìmọ yòrùbá

2023/01/16 07:33
Ajayi in our trial lesson was very informative and brought a nice vibe to the learning environment. Relaxed but structured and well thought out. Really knowledgeable and able to break things down in a way that's easy to digest and retain. Felt energised after our first session and look forward to continuing with more.


4 個在 AmazingTalker 學習的理由

隨時隨地 學習無壓力
你打造客製化 有效進步的課程
公平收費機制遂堂買都得 無需預繳大筆中介費
老師背景公開透明✔ 影片 ✔履歷 ✔學生評價
3 大方向選老師 師資有信心


選擇老師、事先溝通參考影片、履歷 、學生評價 挑選合適老師
購課前發訊息給老師 溝通學習需求
上堂時間到,打開 Zoom 線上教室即可開始課堂


  • 奈及利亞

    HK$71.05 - HK$118.42 / 小時



搵 補習課程 常見問題
Q1:坊間好多班同課程,到底 補習 邊個好?

AmazingTalker 係一個網上一對一補習平台,上面有過千位來自香港和世界各地的外籍 私人 補習老師,全部經過實名認證和專業審查,確保具備相關專業知識和教學經驗。

平台上的 老師都有專業背景,不管是兒童、小學生、中學生、成人、在職人士,想改善會話、聆聽、寫作、閱讀定文法,你都可以搵到合適的老師,絕對可以放心聘用
Q2:我應該揀 外籍母語老師 定 本地雙語老師?


適合外籍老師的 2 類學生:

1. 3歲至11歲兒童,正處於學習外語的黃金年齡,外籍老師可以加強兒童語感和表達能力。
2. 能力已達到中高階水平,有足夠詞彙表達自己,想進一步提昇能力至專業或母語水平的學生。

適合本地老師的 2 類學生:

1. 錯過學習外語的黃金年齡,基礎仍未打穩的中階程度以下學生,就算無法用 溝通,也能用自己的母語上堂。
2. 要應付香港的 公開考試 的學生,熟悉學制和考試的本地老師會較合適。
Q3:我應該揀 私人老師 定 團體補習課程?

AmazingTalker 的私人補習課程都是真人 1 對 1 授課,保證學生和老師有充足的時間交流和練習機會,針對個別學生的程度和學習需求設計課程。與坊間大型補習社和課程不一樣,有的補習社的上課模式是觀看老師預先錄製的影片; 有的課程一班少至 10 - 20 人,多至上百個學生,老師通常無法照顧個別學生學習所需



AmazingTalker 上的課程費用均由老師自行釐定,價格全公開透明,並無其他隱藏收費。根據統計,老師目前平均每小時收費為 HK$130,視乎老師的教學經驗和學生的學習需求,每小時收費介乎 HK$80 - HK$300。如果你覺得老師不錯、收費可以接受,仲可以用優惠價錢先購買體驗堂,覺得適合,先決定買正式課程。因為係視像授課方式網上補習,所以價格都比上門補習平 20% - 40%,而且有更多老師可以俾你揀。

至於坊間其他團體補習課程,費用介乎 HK$150 至 HK$300 一個小時。付出同樣的價錢,真人視像一對一課程明顯更抵

AmazingTalker 的老師有來自香港的大埔、荃灣、沙田、北角、屯門、元朗等地區,國外則有等等。

所有老師都必須經過嚴格篩選才能上線,我們會透過 AI 演算法,無間斷地追蹤教師的表現,讓您可以安心挑選我們每一個推薦的教師。

如果你已經有非常明確的選擇條件,例如課堂費用金額、教師國籍、學習範疇等,您可以直接使用進階搜尋,快速篩選乎合條件的老師。如果你唔知點樣揀老師好,你可以用推薦功能,只要花 3 分鐘留下你的需求,我們會透過 AI 演算法推薦合適的教師俾你。老師會喺 5 分鐘內,在網站內主動發訊息同你聯絡,了解你嘅學習需求。



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AmazingTalker 網站的底部有『常見問題』,裡面的文章可以解答你大部分的疑問。但如果仍然有無法解決的問題,可以點擊網站右下角紅色的『訊息』的按鈕,發送訊息聯絡我們。