【5**英文教室】DSE 英文Paper 2及Paper 3 最齊文體寫作攻略!

大家要記住卷二卷三其中一個要求是Language & Organizations,除了格式外語境意識都同樣重要;以下我會跟大家分享及總結,以下幾項DSE常見的文體格式及語境意識﹕


1. Letter 格式

「letter writing」的圖片搜尋結果

Letter 書信寫作格式 Format

書信是最常用 Business Letter 以及Letter to the editor 等形式,同學在寫作時可以參作以下格式﹕

上款是Dear Sir/Madam
下款是 Yours faithfully,
上款是 Dear Mr. Chan
款是 Yours sincerely,
上面那些學校都是這樣教的,但我會教你特別一點,如果到時考試緊張,可以用Best regards, 兩個情況都比較合適


每次考書信都有目的 (writing purpose),要根據題目作出改變;而大家可以記住兩個萬用句式,能夠簡單直接地表達該文章的寫作目的﹕

1. I am writing + to + v. + 詳細資料 

Example: I am writing to request a change of performance date in the 2000 Hong Kong Youth Arts Festival.

2.We would like + to + v. + 詳細資料 

Example: We would like to request a change of performance date in the 2000 Hong Kong Youth Arts Festival.

以上兩個句式基本上能夠在任何writing purpose下使用,以下是在不同寫作目的下的實際用法例子﹕

1. 當Writing purpose 是請支持

I am writing to request for your support for + n. + 詳細資料

Example: I am writing to request for your support for our school’s Charity Day on 25th November, 2011.

2. 當Writing purpose 是籌款

I am writing to ask your support for + n. + 詳細資料

Example: I am writing to ask your support for our graduation dinner on 15th June, 2014.

3. 當Writing purpose 是感謝

I am writing to express my gratitude to you + for + v. + ing + 詳細資料
I am writing to express my gratitude to you + for + n. + 詳細資料

Example: I am writing to express my gratitude to you for agreeing to come and give a talk to us in the activity.

Example: I am writing to express my gratitude to you for your financial assistance for the tour.

4. 當Writing purpose 是邀請

I am writing to invite you to come to + 活動 +日期

I am writing to invite you to participate in + 活動 +日期

I am writing to invite you to help organize + a / an+ 活動

Example: I am writing to invite you to come to the Drinking Club’s annual exhibition on 7 July.

Example: I am writing to invite you to participate in our school’s “Fun Day 2018”.
我希望邀請您參加我們學校的“ 2018年歡樂日”。

Example: I am writing to invite you to help us organize a tree-planting activity.

5. 當Writing purpose 是申請

I am writing to apply for + n. + 詳細資料

Example: I am writing to apply for the post of student ambassador in your organization.

With reference to + n. +詳細資料, I would like to apply for + n. +詳細資料

Example: With reference to the advertisement on February 12, I would like to apply for the job of intern assistant.

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor 雖然相似,但是也實際上有不同。以下我們會提供 Letter to the Editor 的格式供大家參考哦!

1. Dear Editor, 

2. 開首(自己立場+議題)

開場白 Example: With just a few clicks on the keyboard and the mouse, you will see articles and photos about ___ flooding your news feed. A recent article on the development of ___ / the phenomenon of ___ has stirred up / triggered heated controversies.

立場 Example: There is a diverse spectrum of opinions of xxx. Divergent as people’s views on this issue in question may be, I am in favour of the idea because its benefits outweigh its drawbacks.

議題 Example: Both sides of the argument are supported by cogent reasons.

3. 正文

Example: Constructive as this suggestion may sound, implementing this measure would invariably lead to a host of problems

4. 駁論

Example: Critics put forth the idea that ___. However, I am certain that this is not the case

5. 總結

Example: Taking all aspects into account, it is my firm conviction that SVO

6. Yours faithfully, XXX

2. Email 格式

Email 寫作格式 Format

email 一開始一定有個subject ,你可以根據題目要求寫,例如:
summary of xxx
causes of incidents and solutions
至於其他格式以及語境意識,Email 與Letter 非常相似,同學可以參考以上攻略

3. Report 格式

「report writing」的圖片搜尋結果

Report 報告格式 Format

標題: Report on XXX
  1. Introduction
  2. Problems
  3. Suggestions
  4. Conclusion



(Spencer 唔係想講粗口,大家冷靜點)
無人 – 在報告入面,我們不會用 you /I 要盡量避免
「被 」– 反而我們會用多一些被動式(Passive Voice),例如以下句式:
  • It is noted that 句子
  • It is reported that 句子
  • It is recommend that 句子
「小」 – 寫小標題:
  1. Introduction
  2. Problems
  3. Suggestions

4. Proposal 格式

Proposal 計劃書格式 Format

同報告的格式非常相似,都是用 無人被小 的技巧,可以確保不要用錯。

5. Speech 格式


Speech 演講詞格式 Format

Introduction (引言) :
Step 1: Good morning / afternoon, everyone.
Step 2: Welcome to the assembly today. I am Chris Wong, the President of Student Union.
Step 3: Thank you very much for coming to + the +活動
Step 4: Today I would like to share with you


其實除了基本格式,最重要的是要知道每種文體背後的語境意識。因為Speech 本身需要互動一點,所以你可以運用以下技巧作文。
1. Personal touch
  • I believe / I hold strong belief / I bet many if you experienced something similar to what happened to me, so it is normal for us to assume that________________________.
  • It is likely that we all share similar experience. No wonder we share unanimous views / we are on the same page that ________________________
 2. 年輕的我…. 以前的我是多麼幼稚…
  • When I was younger, I would think that ___________________
  • As a secondary student who did not have much life experience, I used to believe that ____________________.

3. 誤會了

  • In the past, I also held the misconceived notion that ________________
  • Echoed with many people, I was mistaken about ____________________, thinking that __________________________. 


因為是互動性較高,可以加強同觀眾交流,而很多考生都忽略了這點,在Speech 都只是用一些深字,一埋inversion (倒裝句),所以無論你英文考試是想求合格,定5**,你都一定要注意!
  • Act now!
  • Just go for it!
  • Stay tuned!
  • Stay in touch!
  • Don’t waver.
  • Trust me. It works well.

同時,你可以用 Mission 使命來輔助自己闡述內容﹕

  • Why should I share with you here summoning up my courage? I want to change the community.
  • In pursuit of a sense of purpose, I choose to stand on the stage to make a change in the community.
1. 更了解
I sincerely hope you will gain more inspiration by gaining deeper insights into _____________
2. 學會多角度
One of the purposes of this speech is to provide you with different perspective in understanding this issue. If most of you, if not all, can be inspired and ponder, then I have succeeded.

6. Article 格式


Article 專題文章格式 Format

有Article,就一定要寫Title 。
通常title 不用太花巧,
我將會在精讀課堂中教大家運用 口訣 XXXXX ,使你10秒輕鬆學好重點!!
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  1. 什麼文體是要寫標題的? 
  1. 寫Report 有什麼要注意的地方?
  1. Article, Report, Proposal 要寫標題
  2. 寫report時,一定要先寫標題,而且多用被動式,不要用I / You think ….


