大家要記住卷二卷三其中一個要求是Language & Organizations,除了格式外語境意識都同樣重要;以下我會跟大家分享及總結,以下幾項DSE常見的文體格式及語境意識﹕
1. Letter 格式
Letter 書信寫作格式 Format
書信是最常用 Business Letter 以及Letter to the editor 等形式,同學在寫作時可以參作以下格式﹕
1. I am writing + to + v. + 詳細資料
Example: I am writing to request a change of performance date in the 2000 Hong Kong Youth Arts Festival.
2.We would like + to + v. + 詳細資料
Example: We would like to request a change of performance date in the 2000 Hong Kong Youth Arts Festival.
以上兩個句式基本上能夠在任何writing purpose下使用,以下是在不同寫作目的下的實際用法例子﹕
1. 當Writing purpose 是請支持﹕
I am writing to request for your support for + n. + 詳細資料
Example: I am writing to request for your support for our school’s Charity Day on 25th November, 2011.
2. 當Writing purpose 是籌款﹕
Example: I am writing to ask your support for our graduation dinner on 15th June, 2014.
3. 當Writing purpose 是感謝﹕
Example: I am writing to express my gratitude to you for agreeing to come and give a talk to us in the activity.
我希望感謝您同意參加此次活動並與我們交談。Example: I am writing to express my gratitude to you for your financial assistance for the tour.我希望感謝您為這次旅行提供的經濟支持。
4. 當Writing purpose 是邀請﹕
I am writing to invite you to come to + 活動 +日期
I am writing to invite you to participate in + 活動 +日期
Example: I am writing to invite you to come to the Drinking Club’s annual exhibition on 7 July.我希望邀請您參加7月7日舉行的飲酒俱樂部年度展覽。
Example: I am writing to invite you to participate in our school’s “Fun Day 2018”.
我希望邀請您參加我們學校的“ 2018年歡樂日”。
Example: I am writing to invite you to help us organize a tree-planting activity.
5. 當Writing purpose 是申請﹕
Example: I am writing to apply for the post of student ambassador in your organization.
With reference to + n. +詳細資料, I would like to apply for + n. +詳細資料
Example: With reference to the advertisement on February 12, I would like to apply for the job of intern assistant.
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the Editor 雖然相似,但是也實際上有不同。以下我們會提供 Letter to the Editor 的格式供大家參考哦!
1. Dear Editor,
2. 開首(自己立場+議題)
開場白 Example: With just a few clicks on the keyboard and the mouse, you will see articles and photos about ___ flooding your news feed. A recent article on the development of ___ / the phenomenon of ___ has stirred up / triggered heated controversies.
立場 Example: There is a diverse spectrum of opinions of xxx. Divergent as people’s views on this issue in question may be, I am in favour of the idea because its benefits outweigh its drawbacks.
議題 Example: Both sides of the argument are supported by cogent reasons.
3. 正文
Example: Constructive as this suggestion may sound, implementing this measure would invariably lead to a host of problems
4. 駁論
Example: Critics put forth the idea that ___. However, I am certain that this is not the case
5. 總結
Example: Taking all aspects into account, it is my firm conviction that SVO
6. Yours faithfully, XXX
2. Email 格式
Email 寫作格式 Format
3. Report 格式
Report 報告格式 Format
- Introduction
- Problems
- Suggestions
- Conclusion
- It is noted that 句子
- It is reported that 句子
- It is recommend that 句子
- Introduction
- Problems
- Suggestions
4. Proposal 格式
Proposal 計劃書格式 Format
5. Speech 格式
Speech 演講詞格式 Format
1. Personal touch
- I believe / I hold strong belief / I bet many if you experienced something similar to what happened to me, so it is normal for us to assume that________________________.
- It is likely that we all share similar experience. No wonder we share unanimous views / we are on the same page that ________________________
- When I was younger, I would think that ___________________
- As a secondary student who did not have much life experience, I used to believe that ____________________.
3. 誤會了
- In the past, I also held the misconceived notion that ________________
- Echoed with many people, I was mistaken about ____________________, thinking that __________________________.
- Act now!
- Just go for it!
- Stay tuned!
- Stay in touch!
- Don’t waver.
- Trust me. It works well.
同時,你可以用 Mission 使命來輔助自己闡述內容﹕
- Why should I share with you here summoning up my courage? I want to change the community.
- In pursuit of a sense of purpose, I choose to stand on the stage to make a change in the community.
6. Article 格式
Article 專題文章格式 Format
- 什麼文體是要寫標題的?
- 寫Report 有什麼要注意的地方?
- Article, Report, Proposal 要寫標題
- 寫report時,一定要先寫標題,而且多用被動式,不要用I / You think ….