Always believe

My name is Marine, I am 24 years old and my dream is to become a polyglot. For that i'm taking English and Italian lessons. It’s true that I’m someone who has always had difficulty memorizing and learning and I’ve often been told you can’t do it you’ll see, forget it.

In October I received an adverting about Amazing Talker, I said to myself, given the prices, why not give it a try, I have nothing more to lose. I have booked an Italian course with Ledio, explaining my level and my problem. I was stressed the first class, thinking that I wouldn't do it as usual and in the end, it was really surprising that it went very well. Ledio is very nice, and he takes the time to explain it to me several times so that I understand correctly. Indeed he is brilliant, he prepares a personalized course for me and gives me advice to progress.

I am eternally grateful to have found such a great teacher so that I could learn Italian.

Since then I have made a lot of progress in Italian and can progress at my own pace, so thank you again Ledio

5 則留言

  • Salut Marine!

    J'ai connu l'existence de ce site Web grâce à un YouTuber français (Khal Ali) qui en faisait la promotion. J'avais déjà pris des cours en présentiel dans une classe avec un professeur et malgré cela, j'étais timide et peur du jugement des autres en essayant de converser en italien. C'est merveilleux de trouver un professeur privé sur cette plateforme qui nous prépare un cours personnalisé et nous donne confiance, afin de progresser dans une nouvelle langue.

    Je te souhaite d'atteindre ton but de devenir polyglotte. Bonne continuation! :-)
  • 嗨!這是我學英文的故事
    給我一點鼓勵 投一個愛心💖 非常謝謝😊
    Hello! teacher, This is my English learning story
    If you like my story, please give me a like💖
    Give me encouragement, Thank you so much 😊
  • Thank you a lot Marine !! I'm sure you are going to get a really good level in Italian if you keep working that hard. As you said, you made huge steps forward and I'm pretty sure you are going to do more. // Merci beaucoup Marine !! Je suis sûr que tu atteindras un très haut niveau en italien si tu continues à travailler comme maintenant. Comme tu l'as dit, tu es déjà améliorée beaucoup et je suis certain tu progresseras encore. :) :)
  • Whaou really interesting
  • I love your story