My learning experience with Teacher Chen

As a student brimming with curiosity about programming, my story begins with an insatiable longing for the vast world of computers. Though I was a novice in the realm of coding, I yearned to explore, to create, and to build my world with lines of code. Among the myriad of programming languages, Python caught my eye with its simplicity and power. I enrolled in Clark's Python Fundamentals course, embarking on my programming journey.

The first class was a mix of excitement and nerves. Our teacher began by introducing the history and extensive applications of Python, giving me a foundational understanding of the language. We then delved into basic syntax, from variable declarations to simple data types, and I diligently noted down every concept.

Despite the initial challenges, I persevered. Clark provided us with deeply engaging exercises that I practiced tirelessly. Gradually, I mastered the foundational knowledge.

As the course progressed, I was introduced to more complex concepts like functions, loops, and conditional statements. I began to realize that programming is not just about writing code; it's a problem-solving mindset. I attempted to solve real-world problems with code, such as automating data processing and creating simple games. With each problem I successfully tackled, I felt immense satisfaction and pride, a joy brought forth by learning.

However, the path of learning was not always smooth sailing. On one occasion, I encountered a stubborn error while coding that no amount of debugging could resolve. I felt utterly discouraged and was on the verge of giving up. But my teacher encouraged me not to lose heart, explaining that programming is akin to solving a puzzle, where each mistake is a clue to success. Under the guidance of Clark, I learned how to analyze problems, search for information, and debug code. In the end, not only did I resolve the issue, but I also acquired the ability to tackle problems independently.

After completing 20 foundational lessons, I was able to skillfully program with Python. What I gained was not just knowledge of programming; more importantly, I learned how to face difficulties and challenges head-on. I aspire to quickly transform from a programming novice into a software designer capable of independent problem-solving.

Following the conclusion of the foundational course, I continued to learn Python's advanced course with Clark. I am determined to keep moving forward, continuously exploring and growing on the path of programming.


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