LMAO, TTYL, IDK點解? 20個最流行的網絡英文縮寫意思 (最齊全)


1. TYT: Take your time (別著急、慢慢來)

Person A: Sorry! I’m rushing over right now! (對不起! 我正在趕過來)

Person B: Don’t worry. tyt. (不用擔心,慢慢來)

2. TTYL: Talk to you later (晚點聊)


Gonna bath! ttyl! (我要先洗澡了,晚點聊)

3. LMAO/ LOL: laugh my ass off/ laugh out loud (笑到不行、超爆笑)

非常普遍的回覆,有時不知道怎樣回應都會 LOL。

4. IDK: I don’t know (我不知道)

另外一種寫法是 I dunno,也很多人使用。

Person A: Do you when will be the library closed today?

Person B: idk, maybe you can search in the internet.

6. RIP: Rest in peace (安心上路)


但現在更用會rip 來表示一些計劃和想法落空了(有點像GG 了的意思)

  • Person A: Yo, we gonna make those grilled cheese sandwiches?
  • Person B: Ahh we could have but I forgot the cheese.
  • Person A: rip

7. Tbh: To be honest (老實說)

TBH I don’t think that dress looks good on you.(坦白說,我不覺得那件裙子很好看)

8. btw: By the way (順帶一提)


I hope you enjoyed the conference in Melbourne. BTW Any suggestions for a good hotel there?

9. aka: also known as (也就是)

Chris, aka Alex’s brother, is going to move to another country.(Chris,也就是 Alex的哥哥,即將搬去另一個國家了。)

10. Gr8: Great (很好)

其實Gr8 即是Gr-eight,,與great的發音近似,所以就這樣把great 變成了gr8。

11. JK: Just kidding (開玩笑的)


Person A: Hey babe how does my makeup look?  (嘿寶貝,我今天的妝怎麼樣?)
Person B: Terrible!! Haha jk. (超醜!哈哈開玩笑的。)

12. FYI: For your information (供你參考;順道一提)


FYI, Amazingtalker has lots of excellent English teachers.

13. Nvm: nevermind (不要緊)

Person A: Sorry! I cannot come today.

Person B: nvm, let’s meet some other day.

14. LMK: Let me know (讓我知道)

Lmk if you need any help.

15. OMW: On my way

當你在路途中/ 將要到達目的地

I’m omw to Shatin.

16. LY: Love You (愛你)

Person A: i ly so much babes
Person B: i ly too

17. Sry: Sorry (對不起)

18. Np: No problem (不客氣)

當對方跟你說謝謝,可以回覆說no problem。但要注意,比較少用在回覆「沒問題」。

19: K: Ok


20. DL: Download (下載)

You can dl this file.

若有興趣了解更多INTERNET Slang,可參考以下短片:


