Even的九大用法-不只「Even if」和「Even though」!




1. even + 一般動詞

The owner of this company lives humbly and he even eats his lunch with his employees at the company cafeteria. 


從例句就可以看到even要放在一般動詞(eat)的前面,很多人會把even放錯位置喔! 例如:

(X) The owner of this company lives humbly and he eats even his lunch with his employees at the company cafeteria.

2. Be動詞 + even

There’s almost an app for everything nowadays. There is even an app which claims to translate baby’s cries. 



(X) There’s almost an app for everything nowadays. There even is an app which claims to translate baby’s cries.

3. 助動詞 + even (助動詞有哪些? 看這裡 )

I was very ill last weekend. I couldn’t even get out of bed by myself. 



(X) I was very ill last weekend. I even couldn’t get out of bed by myself.

4. even/ not even + 想強調的特定人事物

Even a worm will turn.



“I don’t have time to take a break.” “Not even at weekends?” 

“我沒時間休息。” “就連周末也沒時間休息?”


5. even + 比較級形容詞/副詞

當even用來強調比較時: 通常我們想要強調描述的人事物,我們通常會用副詞even加上比較級的形容詞或者是副詞。跟中文”甚至更”,”更加”的意思相近。例如﹕

Last summer was hot, but this summer could be even hotter. 

去年夏天很炎熱,但今年夏天甚至可能會更熱。 (比較去年跟今年夏天的炎熱程度。)

6. even + 想補充的具體詳細描述 (寫作時的用法)

當even用來補充更準確或更詳細的說法時: 通常我們想要更詳細跟具體的描述某人事物,我們通常會用副詞even加上想要補充細節的描述字眼。跟中文”甚至可以說”,”更具體地來說”的意思相近,例如﹕

The restaurant owner was very friendly to us, even generous. All our drinks were on the house. 


7. even放在句子或著子句句尾 (聊天時,口語的用法)

The restaurant owner was very friendly to us, generous even. All our drinks were on the house.

Even though 用法

當even 和 though連用,通常用來強調某件出乎意料的事實。跟’although’, ‘in spite of the fact that’ 有相近的意思。但even though比although更加強了強調的語氣。

位置及用法﹕even though + 主詞+動詞

Even though she is pretty busy at work, she still manages to have an English class every week.


她工作忙碌本身就是事實,但卻出乎意料地能夠抽空每周固定學習。學習精神令人驚嘆。要注意的是用了even though,就不要在後面的子句加but! 因為even though 本身就是連接詞組用來連結兩個子句。也不能用even直接加主詞跟動詞。下面這常見錯誤要小心:

(X) Even though she is pretty busy at work, but she still manages to have an English class every week. (用了even though,就不要在後面的子句加but)

(X) Even she is pretty busy at work, she still manages to have an English class every week. (不能用even直接加主詞跟動詞,要用even though)  

Even though 跟 even if 的意思完全不同。請比較上下兩個例句。

Even if 用法

當even 和 if 連用,通常藉由假想情況,或者是虛擬的情境來強調事情結果還是相同

位置及用法﹕even if + 主詞+動詞

Even if she is pretty busy at work, I think she’ll still manage to have an English class every week.



(X) Even she is pretty busy at work, I think she’ll still manage to have an English class every week. (不能用even直接加主詞跟動詞,要用even if)


練習一: 大家來找碴,以下句子even的位置正確嗎?

  1. even don’t know where we are now.
  2. He always wears shorts, even in cold weather.
  3. It’s a great book if you’re interested in designing learning games. There even is a website on practicing the learning points in each chapter by playing games.
  4. The creator of a biodegradable bag dissolved the bag in a glass of water and even he drank it to prove it’s natural.

練習二: 是even though還是even if?

  1. _________ she didn’t have a college degree, she runs a successful catering company. 
  2. The train leaves in five minutes. We won’t catch it now _________ we run. 
  3. It’s too dangerous to swim in this river, ________ you’re an experienced swimmer.
  4. _________ he doesn’t cook, he bought a kitchen machine.

不確定答案是甚麼嗎? 那就看一下以下影片複習一下吧! 


  1. 不正確,even 應該放在助動詞(don’t)後面。正確語序: I don’t even know where we are now.
  2. 正確,even放在想要強調的人事物(in cold weather)之前。He always wears shorts, even in cold weather.
  3. 不正確,even 應該放在be動詞(is)後面。正確語序: There is even a website on practicing the learning points in each chapter by playing games.
  4. 不正確,even 應該放在一般動詞(drank)前面。正確語序:….and he even drank it to prove it’s natural.


  1. Even though she didn’t finish college, she runs a successful catering company. 她沒有完成大學學業是事實,但出乎意料的是她居然經營一間很成功的外燴公司。所以選擇even though來強調出乎意料的事實。   
  2. The train leaves in five minutes. We won’t catch it now even if we run. 火車再過五分鐘就要開了。這情況下就算我們跑得再快,也不可能趕得上。但這是假想的情境,而不是事實,所以要選擇even if。
  3. It’s too dangerous to swim in this river, even if you’re a world-class swimmer. 就算你是世界級泳降,在這條河裡游泳就是太危險。這句是為了強調不管是誰,下去這條河游泳都很危險,結果都是一樣,所以要選even if。
  4. Even though he doesn’t cook, he bought a kitchen machine. 雖然他平時不下廚,但他卻買了一台食物料理機。強調不下廚卻令人匪夷所思地買了食物料理機的行為,所以選擇even though。


