Travel around the world

This is the first time that I really want to learn English well, because I have a dream to travel around the world. When going to a foreign country, I must learn English well. It is never too late to learn. I was worried at the beginning because I had no patience. Go learn English, but if you find the right teacher, the whole thing will be different. I find my own shortcomings in learning, which makes me more and more interested in learning English, and I also find that I have made progress, which makes me very happy. There is no end to the road of learning. My story has just begun. I am looking forward to my wonderful future.


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大家好! 我係藍藍老師,好开心可以喺呢個平台上與大家見面! 我相信個個都擁有學習語言嘅潛力,就好似我過去兩年學習英文嘅經驗一樣。 兩年前,我嘅英文程度並不流利,但我並不因此灰心。 我尋找了一位喺呢個平台上非常優秀嘅老師,佢畀咗我好多學習英文嘅秘訣同方法。 透過持續嘅努力同積極嘅態度,我逐漸提升咗自己嘅英文水平,而家已經能夠流利地用英文與大家交流。 因此,我深信每個人都能夠實現自己嘅語言目標。 我希望能夠成為你哋嘅引導者同伙伴,喺呢個學習嘅旅程中陪伴住你哋。 如果你哋想要體驗一堂課,我無任歡迎你哋嚟同我一齊學習。 讓我們一起開始這段學習的旅程吧! 相信我,只要你哋保持積極嘅態度同持續嘅努力,你哋一定能夠達到自己嘅目標。 畀我哋一齊享受學習語言嘅過程,開心學習,一起成長!
