Best english class

I would like to say thank you to teacher Sarah. At first, I was worried about my speaking skills. and also curious if okay to practice English and Korean at the same time in the class. But Sarah did it for me. She helps me a lot not only English but Korean speaking especially in a presentation. After continuous praticing and listening, I have improved a lot. Lessons were very relaxing and we talked about everything. She is a very patient teacher who always encouraged me a lot!


🇺🇸商業 | 成人英語 | 會話課程 | 也提供韓語教學🇰🇷
/ 50分鐘
/ 體驗堂
🇺🇸商業 | 成人英語 | 會話課程 | 也提供韓語教學🇰🇷
🤗 嗨!我是一位有十年經驗的韓裔美國人全職英語老師~ 🗣️ 標準的母語發音 🇺🇸 在美國長大的英語母語者 🏢 商業英語:面試/PT/演講/郵件 💯 各類考試:SAT/IELTS/TOEFL/TOEIC/OPIC 📚 畢業於UCDAVIS通訊專業 🇹🇼 完成台灣國立大學ICLP課程(可進行基本中文溝通) 🖨 自製教材,課後提供PDF分享(可選作業) 💻 知名網路教學平台的商業英語講師 🌐 有外資公司工作經驗 (行業)英語教育、創業、奢侈品、酒店業、市政府 (地點)首爾、舊金山、台北 📝 專業翻譯 👩🏻‍💻 教育科技策略/規劃師/教育家

2 則留言

  • Wow this is AMAZING!!!!! I can see how you like your lesson with Sarah. Keep up the good work!!
  • Thank you Joanne for the positive feedback on my lessons! If you need help with your business English & Korean, I am always here for you! Best wishes!!